Thank you! You will receive an email confirming that we have received your application.
Please provide the information requested below. Charges can be found on our website at:
This is the person making the applocation who will be our main contact.
Please enter a First name
Please enter Surname
Please enter some text
I agree to the Parish of Stratford-upon-Avon keeping me informed about news, activities and services in the Parish.
Please give the name as you want it to appear in the Entry
Please enter a valid date
Please select an option
Enter the text that you would like on Line 3 (up to 32 characters)
Enter the text that you would like on Line 4 (up to 32 characters)
Enter the text that you would like on Line 5 (up to 32 characters)
If 'yes' please answer the next question to describe the illustration that you would like.
In addition to a description please say whether you are sending a sample or photograph to guide the illustrator. If so, email it after completion of this form to [email protected].
This is the basic charge plus the charges (all at current rates) for additional lines and/or an illustration.
By submitting this completed form you agree to our Privacy Policy which can be found on the Policies page of our website:
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