The Parish of Stratford-upon-Avon is pleased to make its facilities, where appropriate, available for all in the community to use. The church is available for events that are in keeping with the church being a place of regular Christian worship and an active Church of England parish church. All requests to hire the church require written approval. We will respond to you as soon as possible, usually within 72 hours Monday to Friday.

Contact Information

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Booking Request

Please indicate the date or dates for the event. We will check availability and get back to you

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Please give the time of doors opening to the audience, the start time of the event and the anticipated finish time of the event.

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Please allow for setup and cleanup in your stated times. Please give the time that you want to start setup and the time by which the last person will have left the building.

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What is the occasion?

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Please check all that apply

Please select at least one of the options

Please give the number of performers and support staff.

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Please give the estimated number

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Please tell us of any plans for rehearsing before the event, giving dates and times that are in addition to the dates and times above.

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Any additional details or comments

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Organisation Details

If not for an Organisation please put N/A in this and next 2 boxes

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Protection of Children, Young People (under 18) and Vulnerable Adults

Confirm that in all your activities with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults your organisation will comply with all current safeguarding legislation and government guidance.

Please select at least one of the options

Acknowledge that the Parish accepts no responsibility for your or your organisation's failure to comply with the undertaking given above on Safeguarding

Please select at least one of the options

If children, young people and/or vulnerable adults will be present confirm you will supply the organisation's Safeguarding Policy and procedures before the booking is confirmed

Please select at least one of the options

Confirm that all those who staff your activities on our premises understand and have agreed to your organisation's Safeguarding Policy and procedures and have been through a safer recruitment process

Please select at least one of the options

Please confirm that you have read and accept the Church Event Booking Terms and Conditions which are on the Policies page of our website:

Please select at least one of the options

Please confirm that you are entitled to make this booking on behalf of the above organisation

Please select at least one of the options

Please type your name as an electronic signature to confirm your request for the above booking

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Choose a date

Please enter a valid date

By submitting this form, you agree to our Privacy Policy which can be found on the Policies page of our website:

Basic Information
Address Information
Notice Board