Thank you for making a nomination for someone to serve as a Churchwarden, a Deanery Synod Member or a PCC member. We do need to know that you have spoken to the person you are nominating and that they have agreed to being proposed.
Nominees must be at least 16 years of age (21 for Churchwarden), actual communicants and have been on the Electoral Roll of this Parish for at least 6 months at the date of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Proposers and Seconders must be on the Electoral Roll.

Proposer (person making the nomination)

Please enter a First name

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Please enter a valid email

Please give full name

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A separate form is required for each nomination.

Please select an option

Please confirm that you have spoken to the person being nominated and that they have agreed to serve if elected.

Please select at least one of the options

If you name a Seconder we will ask them to complete a further short form. If you do not name a Seconder we will try to find one on your behalf.

Please enter some text

Please enter a valid email

Please type your name as an electronic signature

Please enter some text

Please enter a valid date

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