Please use this form:
(a) to tell us whether you would like to receive our Weekly Bulletin with news about the life and events of the Parish; and
(b) to confirm or update your personal data and the method(s) by which we may contact you.

Please do NOT use this form for enquiries. You will receive a quicker response if you use the relevant form from the Contact/Forms section of our website.

Contact Information

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Please enter a First name

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Please enter a valid email

We appreciate having a mobile number so that we can contact you quickly in an emergency

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If 'None' please say so

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If this is a change of your name or of any contact information you have previously supplied, please give the old values in the Additional Information box below so that we can avoid duplicate records.

Please select an option

How may we contact you? Please select all that apply. If you wish to receive our Weekly Bulletin you must include Email in your selections.

Please select at least one of the options

Do you agree to the Parish of Stratford-upon-Avon keeping you informed about news, activities and services in the Parish?

Please select an option

Do you wish to receive our emailed Weekly Bulletin? To do so you must have replied 'yes' to the Information Consent question.

Please select an option

Which church in our Parish do you regard as your 'home' church?

Please select an option

Please provide any extra personal data which is relevant. For example, if you have a partner and/or children you may wish to tell us their names.

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Please type your name as your electronic signature.

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Please enter today's date

Please enter a valid date

By submitting this completed form you agree to our Privacy Policy which can be found on the Policies page of our website: and to our securely storing your data in both electronic and printed formats.

If 'Submit' appears not to work please check that you have completed all required fields (marked with an *)

Basic Information
Address Information
Notice Board