The Churchyards at All Saints' Luddington and St Helen's Clifford Chambers are open. The Churchyard at Holy Trinity is closed to burials but interment of ashes is permitted by prior arrangement with the Vicar and PCC. Interments are subject to requirements and regulations which can be found on our website as an introduction to this form

Main Contact

This is the person making the application and the main contact with the family for arrangements

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Details of Deceased Person

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Home address of the deceased at the date of death

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Service Details

Interments in All Saints and St Helen's require an Undertaker to dig the plot. Next of kin are responsible for engaging the Undertaker.

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For interments in All Saints' or St Helen's, please include the name and contact details of the Undertaker who will dig the plot.

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Is there a member of the clergy you would prefer to conduct the service

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